End of our Week

We are approaching the end of our first week of Remote Learning and I wanted to post some pictures I have received since my last posting. Also if you scroll a little further down you will see a couple videos of our Winn Dixie party.

If your kids haven’t already done so have them go to the Shiloh Read Aloud and listen to chapters 1 & 2. The kids can visit the page via the Stream or Classwork section of their Google Classroom. Once there they can click on the link below the chapters and answer the questions via FlipGrid.  🙂

Allow me some grace as you hear me read aloud. It’s very strange to read aloud without an audience. I’m used to seeing the kids’ faces engaged and thinking as I read……this is definitely a learning curve for me too!

Continue to send me pictures….I love seeing everyone’s faces. I will continue to post them here unless you specifically ask me not to.

Watch for an email regarding a ZOOM class gathering!


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