Testing Dates

A Note to all 5th Grade Parents from Karla Akins, Director of Curriculum and Instruction:
Your child will be involved in taking the Iowa Test of Basic Skills the week of March 5. This is a norm- referenced assessment which measures our students against fifth grade students across the country in areas of English Language Arts and Math. This assessment will also provide us with information on each child’s verbal and non-verbal reasoning skills. The ITBS is different than the state MEAP assessment, as the MEAP measures our state curriculum standards only.
The results from the ITBS will provide another resource of information to compare to MEAP results and daily classroom performance when making important curriculum decisions, including necessary support services. Hudsonville Public Schools is committed to making sure we know everything we can about each student in order to provide the best educational opportunity.
As parents, you will be provided with the results of your child’s performance some time before the end of the school year.
The test will be taken on March 5-8.  Please make sure your child is attending on those days.
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