Tagged: science

Homework 3/30

Math: Lesson 7-2

  • Homework: All
  • Remembering: All

Science: Unit test on Wednesday.  A study guide went home today.

Reading Logs: We will no longer have reading logs.  Please keep your kids reading 100 minutes per week, but they no longer will be required to fill out a reading log tracking their reading.


Homework 3/11

ELA- Some kids have homework tonight that they have to finish up in ELA.  The need to complete Part #1 on their Performance Task.  They DO NOT have to do Part 2.  Please check with them to see if they have this completed.

Science- The students have science reading to do this evening about animal adaptations. They need to do this pre-reading to be ready for our activity tomorrow! :)

TenMarks- All four tracks due Friday.

Update 3/3- Go BLUE!, Go Maize!

TenMarks: 6 tracks due Friday, March 6.

Science: We will be having a science test on Thursday over the body systems that we have covered this trimester. A review of the material on the test was sent home today for students to study.

FRIDAY FUN!  March 6

detroit buttonDon’t forget we have a school-wide pajama day this Friday.  I’ll be sporting my Detroit Tiger P.J.s!!  The Tigers are off to a great start in preseason play.  Let’s hope it continues into the regular season.  GO TIGERS!



The class had been working extremely hard and have earned another reward!!  This time we will be playing board games on Friday afternoon.  Please, if you can, send in any board game that kids can play in pairs or small groups.  We particularly like games that involve strategies and language/spelling skills, but any age appropriate game is fine.  NO ELECTRONICS this time. 🙂

MichiganAlso, remember to support our MICHIGAN coin war.  The rules are easy.  The coins will be counted by dollar amount (not weight).  If Team U of M wins, then Team MSU will have to come dressed in Blue and Maize for the day (what a wonderful day that will be:) and vice versa. The students will also get to wear the winning color of their team on the designated day.

Donations will go toward All For Books sponsored by Scholastic.



Math Homework and Science Test

Math: A worksheet on multiplying fractions using a visual model went home today and is due back tomorrow.
Science: There will test will be on Thursday. A review packet was filled out in class today, and students were instructed to bring the packet home today.  Please take some time to review the material with your son or daughter.