Tagged: volunteer

Halloween Party Update

A huge Thank You to Lily’s mom for organizing this year’s Halloween party! Volunteers are signed up and items have been donated.

We are still in need of a few items to complete the party’s activity. Below is a link to donate items still needed to complete our party. Halloween Party Donations Still Needed  Items may be brought to school anytime this week. Thank you in advance!

Our Halloween party will be on Thursday, October 31 from 1:15-2:00.  That morning,  send your child’s costume in a bag with their name written on it.  We will keep it in a safe place until students get dressed prior to the party.  Please, no bloody outfits or weapons.

Classroom Happening 12/3-12/7

The annual candy cane sale is coming! Our 5th-grade classes will be selling candy canes to help raise money for their 5th-grade activities. The sale will be from Monday, December 3rd  through Friday, December 14th. The cost for each candy cane is $1.00 and they will be delivered the same day they are ordered. Thank you in advance for your support. 




December 5- Penguin Patch Holiday Shop. We shop from 10:00-10:30

December 13- Holiday Music Program. Click here for details.

December 14- Early Release, 12:15 dismissal

December 20- Polar Express Third Grade Party from 9:00-10:30. (I will send an email later this week for additional volunteering opportunities)

December 22 through January 6- Holiday Break

What’s Comming Up!

Word Study: Short Vowel Patterns (i, o, u)

Writing: Informational Writing

Social Studies: Quiz Monday 12/5 on Movement and Unit Test on Wednesday 12/7

Math: Unit #3- Measurement, Time and Graphs.

Reading: Informational Reading

Valentine’s Day is Around the Corner

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Our classroom party will be from 2:30-3:30. Here is a link to sign up to volunteer or donate to this year’s party. 

Valentine Sign Up

We will be decorating Valentine bags at school and then on Valentine’s Day, we will exchange Valentines before our classroom party.

Here is a classroom class list to address Valentines.

Class List for Valentines


Polar Express Holiday Party

All aboard the 3rd grade Polar Express! Our party will be from 9:15-10:30 am on Thursday, December 21st.  If you are interested in helping run a center on the day of the party or are willing to donate items, please click on the Polar Express picture below (for the Signup link, enter your email, and click next). We will be decorating cookies and drinking hot chocolate at the party.  We are planning crafts, games, and snacks related to the Polar Express theme and will be combining all of the 3rd-grade classes.

Also for a gift exchange, we would like each child to bring in a small item for each child in their class. We have 26 students in our class this year. Some ideas are pencils, treats, erasers, or small party items from the store. We would also like each child to bring in a box wrapped in wrapping paper. The box needs to be opened without unwrapping it (so either wrap the lid separately or choose a box with flaps that can open and close). The kids will be putting the items they brought to share in each other’s boxes. The children may start bringing them in as soon as you would like to send them. Make sure your child’s box is here on Monday, December 18th.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.