Tagged: on demand

A Busy Two Day Week!


  • Many students had to finish up their Interpretive Essays this weekend for our Writing Celebration on Monday afternoon.  Check with your child to see if they have any revising, editing or publishing still to do.
  • On Monday morning the kids will be doing their Informational On Demand writing. Please remind your child that they should be thinking about a subject that they have studied or know a lot about.  Tomorrow they will be writing an informational text that teaches others interesting and important information and ideas about that topic. If they want to find and use information on this topic from a book or other outside sources they may bring that with them tomorrow.  Please keep in mind that this a student driven assignment that is done in one session to show me what they know about informational writing.  These pieces of writing help guide my instruction for our upcoming writing unit. 🙂


At the beginning of the month we set a class goal for reading.  We more than exceeded our class goal of 14,500 minutes by the third week of November.  Yippee!  We will celebrate by having a Comfort Cozy Tuesday and spend the morning playing board games! 🙂  

We will set a new goal for the month of December and will start counting minutes again beginning on November 25 – December 16.


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We also are having a reading competition for the amount of minutes read by a team in the month of November.  The winning group will have a Pizza lunch with the teacher, on Tuesday, November 26.  It’s a close reading race with the Book Blasters and Book Burners in the lead, but any team can still win!  We will find out our result tomorrow! Good Luck and Happy READING!!

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Tomorrow is our On Demand writing for opinion writing. An On Demand writing is a pre-assessment for our next writing unit so I know how better to teach your child.

Today I talked with the students about what a opinion/argument writing was and tonight they need to brainstorm with you a topic that they could write about tomorrow.

Have your child  think of an issue that they know and care about. Tell them that they will write an opinion or argument text that they will write their opinion or claim and tell reasons why they feel that way.  They will need to think about everything that they already know about essays, persuasive letters, and reviews. If they want to bring in a book or another outside source to help them  they may bring that with them tomorrow.

Please make sure that your son/daughter has a topic in mind for tomorrow so they are ready to take their writing through the writing process in the designated class time.

Happy Brainstorming!